Project Idea

The project “Creative Learning in Action” is an ErasmusPlus project that brings together schools from Germany, England, Denmark, Spain and Portugal over the period from 2017 to 2019, who want to work together on a creative curriculum for their school. On the one hand, it is about making teachers’ lesson plans more creative with new impulses and, on the other, enabling pupils to make more sustainable learning through more creative learning approaches.

Schools have agreed to work on five topics that are rolling around every school. In this way, each school can benefit from the ideas of others and provide them with their own ideas. The topics can be found in this blog under “Topics”.

In an ongoing process of evaluation, teachers from all schools reflect on the impact of their changing planning on both students and teaching, as well as their own situation as teachers.

At the end of the project, teachers at each school will decide which of the proven elements can and should be included in the school curriculum in the long term, so hopefully the lessons learned will have a lasting impact beyond the project end.

The theory of change developed by the Dales School for the project gives an overview of possible improvements.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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