Creative Learning in Action

Creating Weather Boxes

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What kind of ‘weathers‘ are there? How do they look like? And: How can the weather be depicted in a box?These are the questions the Lion Class did wonder about in April. First, we thought about question number one in class. After that, every child painted a picture of some weather phenomenon they chose. There were rainbows, thunderstorms and wild waves at a beach. With this concept drawing, our next step was to design a box (an old shoe box). Every child could use all their creativity and a lot…read more

Learning about the weather

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Learning about the weather, we could identify the seasons of the year, winter, spring, summer and automn. We explored the temperature, the days of the week, the days of the month, each seasons months and also the weekend activities when the sun shines or when it´s windy and rainy days. We explored different materials, tastes, smells, coloursand sounds. Students of different classes developed their activities and also families experienced some activities. Teachers explored different methodologies and collaborative work to discuss and plan the activities, exploring the curriculum areas and improving…read more

Weather, Weather, Weather

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And here we show the work on weather in the Elephant-class (2nd year): Rain gauge In order to study the weather and to be able to measure the precipitation of the weeks per day, we have built a rain gauge. For this we used old plastic bottles and set up in our school biotope. Weather massage Experience the weather as a massage – that is possible, too! We have worked out a movement with our hands for every weather condition. So we could massively massage the back of our front…read more

We sing for the climate!!

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On the 11th and 12th of April, two project days attending to the topic “weather” took place at our school. Our weather surrounds us every day, weather phenomena are omnipresent. Dealing with the weather allows learning with all your senses. Of course you can not talk about the weather nowadays without also considering the climate change. Climate change: What does this have to do with my future? Where and how is climate change already affecting the earth today? What can I do and what has to be done? Do politicians…read more

Climate change: What can YOU do?

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The 8th class from Janusz-Korczak-Schule dealt with climate change in many creative ways. They examined the difference between weather and climate, they made suggestions about what everyone can contribute to stop cilmate change and they become creative with language. The students wrote short poems, so called “Elfchen”. These poems, in English known as elevenies, follow a given structure. You can have a look at the results if you click the headline above and follow the link to the presentation.

A visit to the Klimahaus in Bremerhaven

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To see what weather can do and how different weather in the world, in different countries is, we visited the „Klimahaus“ in Bremerhaven, which is 3 hours north from Ibbenbüren. It was very impressive to see and experience the climatezones! We could feel the changes in temperature in many countries like Italy, Africa and Antarctica. Our class worked in small projectgroups about „subtropical climatezone“ after that. Important topics: animals in the subtropical plants in the subtropical rainforest dangers for the rainforest protection for the rainforest construction of the rainforest  …read more

Clouds make our weather

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At the beginning of the project days, class 6/7 dealt with the topic of clouds. In a short film, the students learned how clouds are created and that there are many different types of clouds. They have learned that clouds are made up of water droplets or ice crystals, look different and are at different heights in the sky. In order to give the pupils an overview of the diversity of the clouds, they used cotton wool to shape the various cloud types and stick them on a paper with…read more

Climate zones and climate diagrams

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Class 8-10 B has learned about the difference between climate and weather. We can watch the weather in out town for a moment, a day or a month, but climates are what we notice for longer terms. The students learned how to design climate diagrams. They took the values for temperature and rainfall, calculated the average temperature for one year and added the rainfall for one year. After that, they drew climate diagrams with lines and columns to explain the particularities of the place.