We sing for the climate!!
On the 11th and 12th of April, two project days attending to the topic “weather” took place at our school. Our weather surrounds us every day, weather phenomena are omnipresent. Dealing with the weather allows learning with all your senses. Of course you can not talk about the weather nowadays without also considering the climate change.
Climate change: What does this have to do with my future? Where and how is climate change already affecting the earth today? What can I do and what has to be done? Do politicians act enough yet to limit climate change?
This is a load of difficult questions. However, we wanted to use them as an opportunity to put the students into action! They found their own points of view, tried things out for themselves and figured out their own opinions on the climate (change)!
During the project days we spent much time talking about the connection of trees, forest, weather and climate. We tinkered, drew and painted many things according to these topics. For example, small wind turbines, a water cycle in a glass or a weather clock were made. In addition, experiments were conducted on the formation of a rainbow.
However, the highlight of the project days was making a music video about climate change / climate protection. Using the melody of Bella Ciao and following the example of the Belgian climate change movement (Sing for the climate Belgium – Final clip), the song: “Do it now! – sing for the climate” was created with much enthusiasm and commitment by all children in classes 1-4.
Take a look at the stunning video here….