Creative Learning in Action

How do birds fly?

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In the secondary we are working on the natural flight and we have seen a video and we have extracted the main ideas about how birds fly. We have begun developing the concept map, some of them have written on the computer the ideas, others have imitated the three phases of the flight (take off, fluttering and planning),  we have taken photos doing these movements and we have cut and pasted the information in the mural.

We can fly!!!

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In the psychomotricity class we are looking for different elements to be able to vividly work the sensations that produce the flight. Through swings, oscillations and turning activities we are providing vestibular stimulation experiences. This week we did it with the vestibulador inside the room.

We were cooks for a day!

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After working on the artifical flight, the secondary class have done a cooking workshop. Our goal was to make hot-air balloons. For this reason, we have cooked some muffins and decorated them like a hot-air balloons. Then we distributed them in different classes. It was a fun activity and the muffins were delicious!

The transports

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In primary school we continue working on the flight. Through the different transports we have learned the difference between flying and falling. First, we made the clouds with shaving foam on a blue background, we put sand and then we placed the different elements, depending on whether they were flying or not.

Where do mosquitoes bite?

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In the speech therapy class, we keep working on flies and mosquitoes. Today we listened to the song of one of our favorite singers, Dámaris Gelabert, who has a song about mosquitoes: We had a mosquito that was flying in the class. We listened concentrated the song and when the song said one part of the body, the mosquito stopped and bit there.  

From the film to the experiment

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In the secondary class we are working on the different kinds of flight. In the artificial flight we have learned about planes and its differents parts. Now we are working on the hot-air ballon. We saw a film: “Around the world in 80 days” and then we talked about the different countries and the different transports that they used in the story. Finally we discovered that there is another artificial flight: the hot-air ballon. We decided to make it and made it fly!

Discovering kites!

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In the primary shared schooling class we love kites! For this reason we have gone to the library to find information about kites in books that we have and we looked for different kites on Internet with the Digital Screen Board. We have seen that they can fly very high, that each kite has different parts. There are many colors, different shapes and sizes. We have decided to choose the ones that we most liked, we have grouped and then we have cut them. Later in class we have classified…read more

Passengers ready to fly!

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Every Tuesday in primary class, when we arrive to class we start a new trip. Our destination each one of the countries of the Erasmus project. With the passport ready,  we always wait for the last call: “Ding, dong, ding… Last call for the passangers of the flight 3579 destination Lisbon, please passangers proceed to gate number 15”