Creating Weather Boxes

Posted by in Topics, Weather

What kind of ‘weathers‘ are there? How do they look like? And: How can the weather be depicted in a box?These are the questions the Lion Class did wonder about in April. First, we thought about question number one in class. After that, every child painted a picture of some weather phenomenon they chose. There were rainbows, thunderstorms and wild waves at a beach. With this concept drawing, our next step was to design a box (an old shoe box). Every child could use all their creativity and a lot of materials and started working on their very own box. We used paper, stickers, sand, water colours, cotton wool, crepe paper, sticks and stones and even a plant from the outside! Nearly everything was possible. ???? The Lions had a lot of fun letting their creativity flow. And after several hours of work we had a lot of different results and unique weather boxes! After finishing the weather boxes, the children had the beautiful idea of using them as ‘laptops’ or ‘game consoles’. With pipe cleaners as headphones, the boxes transformed into something new. That was real creativity!