Creative Learning in Action

Creative Learning is going on

Posted by in Creative Curriculum, Topics

Something dramatic happened to Dragon Class. A teacher got kidnapped by pirates. The pupils had to solve a lot of challenges to get her back. They listened to pirate stories to learn about their live circumstances. They created telescopes to find them. And then… they got letters from Captain Jack who wanted them to do a lot of very difficult things: they had to build ships, which won’t sink, they had to design pearl chains, they had to knead pirate figures, they had to run as fast as they could,…read more

Creative teachers make creative pupils

Posted by in Creative Curriculum, Topics, Uncategorised

After the creative staff meeting in June pupils and teachers of the Heinrich-Böll-Schule now worked all together on their new school rules for a whole week. All over the school you could see creative pupils playing and exploring, painting and designing, acting and singing, cooking and serving, cleaning and clearing. In this way they internalized the new school rules very intensively. Pupils and teachers have had a lot of fun and we could experience the basic assertion of the project with the whole community: Creative teachers make creative pupils. The…read more

A lot of activities about “Flight”

Posted by in Flight, Topics

This summer the astronauts class dealt with the topic „flying“. During the first half of the lessons we learned a lot about the natural way of flying by studying different types of birds. A special highlight of the lesson was the visit of a falconer, where we could observe the birds in their natural habitat and experience the falcons hunting their prey. We even had the opportunity to touch the birds and especially courageous students could hold falcons on their arms. In the second half of the lessons we transferred…read more

Another butterfly project

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Dragon class has worked on butterflies, too. First, we decorated our classroom with lots of butterflies. We crafted caterpillars and butterflies. We had a lot of books about the topic in our classroom. The raising of real butterflies was very exciting. Every morning a another pupil noticed changes in the cage. It was fun to let the butterflies fly in our school garden. In science class we talked about the anatomy of butterflies. We looked at the different butterflies on the dice and learned their names. We also learned what…read more

Butterfly experience for Frog-class-kids

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The Frog-class worked on butterflies as an example of insects. Pupils could observe the development of caterpillars to butterflies very exactly. In class we have had special rules during this time because caterpillars don’t like noise and need a lot of silence. For about three weeks pupils tried to answer themselves all questions they have had collected before, like “Do caterpillars and butterflies drink water?” “What do they eat?” “Do caterpillars have toes?” When all butterflies have emerged from their pupas we have had experienced an exciting time and had…read more

One week all around Flight

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As part of the Erasmus project Flight, the elephant class dealt with the topic in a project week. We have been working on the construction of an aircraft and have made our own hypotheses in experiments as to which objects fly, sail or fall. The experiments have encouraged us to make our own hypotheses, to test them ourselves by means of simple experiments, and have encouraged us to think.The paper flying competition was a lot of fun for us! The widest paper plane flew 14.8 m. This was the reward…read more

Paper plane competition 2019

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The AEROCLUB I NRW e. V. announced this competition and what could be nicer than paper planes? Therefore, the elephants decided to fold the paper planes very precisely in order to win.Step by step the edges lay again and again at the middle fold. After quite a lot of kinks and looks to the side, whether the neighbour needs help, cool codes or patterns could finally be painted on. On June 25, the time had come. In the gym class the own paper planes were finally allowed to climb into…read more

Tigerclass visits falconer Ari

Posted by in Flight, Topics

As a conclusion to our natural science subject „birds of prey“ the tigers payed a visit to Skyhunters Frechen, a little falconry park only a short walk from our school. Blessed with the best of weather we could witness various interesting animals. For starters a horde of ferrets was unleashed upon us. Everyone interested was allowed to pet them, cuddle them, hold them on their arms, let them snack some tasty maltcreme from their fingers, or even get a kiss on the cheek. Armed with a falconers glove we were…read more

The bee project

Posted by in Flight, Topics

In the Rocket class we started working on life in a meadow. There are lot of little animals like insects, spiders oder snails who are either flying or crawling. Pupils learned to distinguish these animals by playing games. Afterwards we chose the bee as a very interesting animal and started our intensive work on learning about bees and their life and doing something for the bees. We learned about the bees body characteristics, about their special eyes, about the society inside their population and about their different tasks. We created…read more