Stone Age

Posted by in Time, Topics

During our project week titeled „time“ we traveled back in time to stone age. Most pupils had a hard time imagining how long the stone age lasted in the history of human life. Using the visual tool of a long rope with special marks representing various stages through human history helped them to get a better idea.

The children the learned about the various parts of the stone age. Together we created a poster for each of the three stone age periods. Showcased were the changes in human development, housing und tools used.

By watching a documentary on the construction of a stone age house the children were able to experience the impressive skills of humans living stone age. Students then had the chance to try out a selfmade replica of a stone age axe. This helped them to be a better judge of the hard work of stone age humans.

Afterwards children enjoyed crafting their own stone age world out of natural materials in a shoe box. Students were able to actively apply their aquired knowledge during this project (e.g. choosing a safe and good spot for the construkction of a house).

Finally pupils of the stone age project immersed into first art development in human history. Children painted cave murals with chalk and coal.