Creative Learning in Action

Time, Tarm School

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In February we have worked on the theme time in 6th grade German classes. The goal was to learn how to tell and say time in German and to read both digital and analog watches. We have practiced to tell time by playing different games both on the computer and irl. The children have learned and performed a song about a little witch who tells the time by what she is doing during the day. In each class we have made our own paper watches and practiced to tell time…read more

The elements

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Every year Tarm School has a week where all classes from kindergarten to 6th grade work on the same theme, this year the theme was “Well-being” or “How do you thrive in school/your class”. This activites took place in Karens class: In my 3rd grade this year we combined the theme Well-being and the 4 elements. Our starting point was taken from the cartoon “Avatar”. It is about 4 children who must endure some tasks to master the 4 elements: earth, wind, water and fire. On Monday for a start…read more