Creative Learning in Action

Passengers ready to fly!

Posted by in Flight

Every Tuesday in primary class, when we arrive to class we start a new trip. Our destination each one of the countries of the Erasmus project. With the passport ready,  we always wait for the last call: “Ding, dong, ding… Last call for the passangers of the flight 3579 destination Lisbon, please passangers proceed to gate number 15”

Alpicat Solidarity

Posted by in Community

Dear friends, We want to share with you this inclusive project in Alpicat (a village near to Lleida). Some of our children participate in a project in which we colaborate with Aplicat’s food bank. There, they organize food bags, the organization and the classification, they learn to work with a group and the social view.

Weather project – Our activities

Posted by in Weather

Here we post some of the activities that we have been doing for the Weather project. We had worked either all the school or in individual classes. The following that you are finding are the main objectives that we have been going through and some pictures. At the end of this post we paste the link of our prezi’s presentation that we have presented in Lisbon. INDIVIDUAL CLASSES PRE-SCHOOL CLASS: RAINBOW Know the colors that make up the rainbow. Observe and experiment with different materials to create the rainbow. (shapes…read more


Posted by in Weather

Hello everyone! How is the work going? From our school we have been working the weather. Luck has been on our side and we have had the opportunity to demonstrate many changes during these months. Therefore we have been able to enjoy much more of our project. We have relied on both group work and individual work. We have done three activities where the whole school participated: carnival, the cooking workshop and the workshop of black light. On the other hand, the work of a small group has been established…read more