Creative Learning in Action

Living and working in the first half of the 20th century

Posted by in Time, Topics

In our project week on the topic of time we visited the home town in Ibbenbüren. There we could first see many things from the lives of the people of yesteryear: clothes, telephones, typewriters, books and much more. After that we were shown old agricultural machines. We also saw how wooden shoes were made in the old days. The most interesting thing was the day we made ropes together like in the old days. We were allowed to take the rope to school afterwards. We were able to experience how…read more

The Time of Coal Mining Is Ending

Posted by in Time, Topics

During Janusz-Korczak-Schule’s project days around the time topic, also the eighth class did some interesting work. The pupils had a look at the history of coal mining in Ibbenbüren, our school town. Ibbenbüren is one of the last two places in Germany where hard coal has been mined. At the end of 2018 the mining of coal is ending in Germany and therefore in Ibbenbüren, too. The pupils created a presentation on Prezi in which history and presence of coal mining are shown. They also made a Powerpoint presentation about…read more

Dali’s Watches redesigned

Posted by in Time, Topics

The class 6/7 from Janusz-Korczak-Schule also took part in the project days about “Time”. The pupils had a closer look at Salvador Dali’s picture “The Persistence of Memory” from 1931. Here you can read the Wikipedia article about this picture. The pupils designed some watches by themselves and integrated them into a handpainted tree. Look at the results in our gallery.

The Time of my Life

Posted by in Time, Topics

Dealing with the time topic in two project days, the pupils of the final class 8-10 B from Janusz-Korczak-Schule had a look back on what was important in their lives so far. The boys and girls are 15 to 17 years old and most of them will leave school in Summer 2019. We started with a timeline, in which the teachers had included important events in history. We then tried to insert important incidents from the pupils’ lives. When were you born? When was your first day in school? It…read more

The Power of Hydrogen: exploring chemistry with red cabbage

Posted by in Elements, Topics

While younger children in primary classes explore elements in categories like air, water, fire and earth, our secondary school pupils enter science. A simple experiment with red cabbage shows how acids and bases can be detected. The pupils of the 6th/7th class carried out an experiment. They used indicators to prove whether a substance is an acid or a base. The indicator liquid is the juice of red cabbage. Here is a list of required objects and the steps of the experiment. ● fresh red cabbage ● 2 bowls or…read more

Impressions from Portugal

Posted by in Community, Meetings

Back at home, I am still thinking of our days in Lisbon, Vialonga, Cascais and Sintra. I enjoyed Portugal very much and was happy to make new experience. I was also happy to meet all participants – it was a good community, I felt we could cooperate very well. Coming into contact during our visits and of course in the evenings was very inspiring. I hope our cooperation will be as fruitful as the meeting was. I uploaded some of the photos I took – and would be glad to…read more

anSchuB – a school project for challenging pupils

Posted by in Challenge

A school for children with problems in behaviour, in social and emotional development – that is what Janusz-Korczak-Schule is. The prerequisites are good: two or three teachers in a class with 15 to 17 pupils. A system of rules and rituals to help the children find the structure of their school life. School buildings especially built to fit the needs of special children. Regular and intense cooperation with parents or professional educators. Democratic participation in school life. And finally an attitude of all professionals in school that takes children seriously,…read more