Creative Learning in Action

Is it a Bird? Is it a Plane?

Posted by in Flight

No, it’s Batman and Robin! They came to our big planning meeting to teach us about flight and everyone got together to think about different aspects of flying. Our Deputy Head Teacher, Sally and our Admin Assistant, Lee did great jobs of embodying the role of a caped crusader. Plenty of laughs were had and we really got thinking about what we would like our children to learn. Each team has a specific subject that they would need to communicate to the whole group. Props were provided and all of…read more

Visiting a biotope

Posted by in Elements, Topics

The Rocket Class went on an excursion to a biotope and studied animals and plants which live in the element of water. Unfortunately it was the only cold day during the last six weeks and frogs, turtles and dragonflies hid themselves somewhere under water. But the pupils saw a lot of small water animals, smelled at herbs, asked questions about insects, bees and under water growing plants. Again they experienced that water, earth, air and light (from the fire of the sun) belong together and make life possible. With this…read more

Perception in a silent atmosphere

Posted by in Elements, Topics

The Rocket Class startet the work on each element with a short meditative situation. Stopp talking and listening to beautiful music made them able to perceive the elements without the influence of other persons. They tried to listen, to watch, to smell and to touch the elements. Afterwards they described their experience and practised the association of free ideas (without answering on a concrete question as they are used to). These situations seemed to be a little bit unfamiliar to the pupils in the beginning but they got used to…read more

Fire – dangerous and beautiful

Posted by in Elements, Topics, Uncategorised

All pupils of the Rocket Class were really looking forward to work on fire although they couldn’t believe that they would make a fire completely on their own. But they did! First they learned with pictures and real materials in the classroom how to make a fire and of course they learned some safety rules, too. Then they collected sticks in the garden and afterwards they started the big adventure of making fire. The fire was big and hot enough to grill delicious sausages for lunch! Inspired by the fire…read more

The barefoot path gets a new ground

Posted by in Elements, Topics

The pupils of the Rocket Class worked in the garden and created a new ground for the barefoot path. They remembered the different parts of earth such as sticks, stones and sand. And they learned that moss needs to be watered for very long minutes. Finally all pupils were brave enough to walk the barefoot path without shoes and they perceived surprised the different surfaces of the new ground.

An airy workshop

Posted by in Elements, Topics

Rocket Class reached the element “Air” and had a very busy workshop about this element. The idea of this workshop was making things which deal with air in different coherences. The pupils built flutes and pipes and needed their own breathing air for making music. They painted and folded fans and found out that moving air can be cool and brisk. They enjoyed this and found this feature very useful because it is very hot in the moment in Germany (and I think in the rest of Europe, too 🙂…read more

The four elements in the vegetable bed

Posted by in Elements, Topics

The students of the polar bears get rid of the elements with puzzles. We are experimenting with cress: Which of the 4 elements are elementary in growth? The students fill clay pots with earth and cress seeds. Every pot lacks an important element. In a pot no water is added, in one earth missing, in the other light, in an air and in the last heat. In another pot, all elements are present, water, earth, air, light and heat. In a trial protocol, the students record the results of the…read more