The journey of the little raindrop Willy

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The Rocket Class has worked on water in the second week. The pupils have had lots of experiences with this element before. Everybody could remember the tremendous thunderstorm we had experienced during our classtrip (You could read about that a few weeks ago). Now we took the occasion to go on a journey with Willy, the little raindrop. The pupils learned in a playful way a lot about the water circle and were impressed about the interaction of elements. They experienced that every single element is necessary to make the water circle function. The water needs the sun (fire) to evaporate and the wind (air) to get back to the country. But what does the earth do for the water? We experienced that the earth cleans the water on its way through the ground. We built a filter construction which simulated the natural process. It didn’t work in every aspect but that didn’t really matter. The pupils were very busy thinking about the problem and they found out why it didn’t work properly. Maybe we will try it again with a 2.0-version. You find the construction guidance in our category “Additional Documents”.