Creative Learning in Action

Learning about the weather

Posted by in Weather

Learning about the weather, we could identify the seasons of the year, winter, spring, summer and automn. We explored the temperature, the days of the week, the days of the month, each seasons months and also the weekend activities when the sun shines or when it´s windy and rainy days. We explored different materials, tastes, smells, coloursand sounds. Students of different classes developed their activities and also families experienced some activities. Teachers explored different methodologies and collaborative work to discuss and plan the activities, exploring the curriculum areas and improving…read more

Time stories

Posted by in Time

To learn about Time, we learned about Kings and Queens of other times, Portugueses traditions and habits from long time ago. Stories and history of the Portuguese people and the world discoveries. With the time stories, students in different classes and different school levels explored the time through the several methodologies and improved their learning.

Creative Learning

Posted by in Elements

The group of schools of Vialonga “Agrupamento de Escolas de Vialonga” is a group of 9 schools with preschool, primary school and secondary school. It´s a public school which priority is to promote the educative success and social inclusion of all students trough the development of different level of responses: regular education, music artistic education, alternative curriculum, professional and special education for students with special educational needs in all school level. Our schools are located in Vialonga, in the outskirts of Lisbon and our context is characterised by a great…read more