Creative Learning in Action

The journey of the little raindrop Willy

Posted by in Elements, Topics, Uncategorised

The Rocket Class has worked on water in the second week. The pupils have had lots of experiences with this element before. Everybody could remember the tremendous thunderstorm we had experienced during our classtrip (You could read about that a few weeks ago). Now we took the occasion to go on a journey with Willy, the little raindrop. The pupils learned in a playful way a lot about the water circle and were impressed about the interaction of elements. They experienced that every single element is necessary to make the…read more


Posted by in Elements, Topics, Uncategorised

In the Rocket Class we take one week for every element. We always start with a meditative situation. We are listening to elements-music and stopp talking. So we can experience every single element in its different appearances by touching, listening, smelling and watching . Afterwards we collect our thoughts and ideas and write or draw them on our elements-poster. In another two or three lessons we do active things to experience the element with our whole body. The first element we were working on was earth. We created seedbombs. That…read more

Volcanoes in the Mountains of Eifel

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The students of polar bear class drove to the volcanic Eifel on a school trip. Before, they had informed themselves about the Eifel. They researched the Eifel and found out that many volcanoes were active in the Eifel in the past and that today they were created in the craters, so-called maars. 75 of the maaren today are filled with water and become maar lakes.  The students recorded their research results in a lapbook about the Vulkaneifel! During our school trip, we saw extinct volcanoes on our hikes, but they…read more

Flying or falling?

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In the primary class, we continue with the kite’s flight.Today, taking advantage of the wind … we have gone outside the school to fly a great kite or at least we tried it! We have experienced the difference between flying and falling and the sensations that we perceive when it flies (we were very happy) and when the kite fell (we were not that much). We had so fun!! Maybe we’ll repeat it again…! Look at the photos and check yourselves!

How do birds fly?

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In the secondary we are working on the natural flight and we have seen a video and we have extracted the main ideas about how birds fly. We have begun developing the concept map, some of them have written on the computer the ideas, others have imitated the three phases of the flight (take off, fluttering and planning),  we have taken photos doing these movements and we have cut and pasted the information in the mural.

Start of classroom work on elements

Posted by in Elements, Topics

After coming back from our classtrip the rocket class startet classroom work on elements. First we spoke about the importance of all elements for our planet. The pupils have had lots of good ideas and the discussion was much longer than it was planned. The pupils saw the coherences between the elements and  learned that all elements depend on each other. While trying to draw a picture on only one element we experienced that this is nearly impossible. Water, fire, air and earth belong together and we can’t seperate them.

We can fly!!!

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In the psychomotricity class we are looking for different elements to be able to vividly work the sensations that produce the flight. Through swings, oscillations and turning activities we are providing vestibular stimulation experiences. This week we did it with the vestibulador inside the room.

We were cooks for a day!

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After working on the artifical flight, the secondary class have done a cooking workshop. Our goal was to make hot-air balloons. For this reason, we have cooked some muffins and decorated them like a hot-air balloons. Then we distributed them in different classes. It was a fun activity and the muffins were delicious!

The transports

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In primary school we continue working on the flight. Through the different transports we have learned the difference between flying and falling. First, we made the clouds with shaving foam on a blue background, we put sand and then we placed the different elements, depending on whether they were flying or not.

Where do mosquitoes bite?

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In the speech therapy class, we keep working on flies and mosquitoes. Today we listened to the song of one of our favorite singers, Dámaris Gelabert, who has a song about mosquitoes: We had a mosquito that was flying in the class. We listened concentrated the song and when the song said one part of the body, the mosquito stopped and bit there.