Creative Learning in Action

Water all around

Posted by in Elements, Topics

The Rocket Class started work on Elements during a three-day-classtrip. The pupils experienced a lot of interesting, funny and exciting impressions around the element “Water”. They played in a ditch and did a lot of different things with water and earth. They enjoyed a boat trip on a lake and experienced the calm and smooth water of the lake. In the afternoon a big thunderstorm approached and showed us the power of water with floated streets, hail and an electricity cut in our hostel. Afterwards we astonished the changes of…read more

Passengers ready to fly!

Posted by in Flight

Every Tuesday in primary class, when we arrive to class we start a new trip. Our destination each one of the countries of the Erasmus project. With the passport ready,  we always wait for the last call: “Ding, dong, ding… Last call for the passangers of the flight 3579 destination Lisbon, please passangers proceed to gate number 15”

Jetting off!

Posted by in Weather

Hello from everyone in England. It is two days until we break up for the half term holidays. We are looking forward to a week off before we start fresh in June with our topic of ‘Weather’! Our big planning meeting was very exciting with staff teams flying off to different destinations where their children will compare and contrast the weather in England with India, South America, Kenya, and Antarctica. Tracy and I were the in-flight attendees and our Head Teacher, Hugh, was the perfect captain!! Please take your boarding…read more

Alpicat Solidarity

Posted by in Community

Dear friends, We want to share with you this inclusive project in Alpicat (a village near to Lleida). Some of our children participate in a project in which we colaborate with Aplicat’s food bank. There, they organize food bags, the organization and the classification, they learn to work with a group and the social view.

Impressions from Portugal

Posted by in Community, Meetings

Back at home, I am still thinking of our days in Lisbon, Vialonga, Cascais and Sintra. I enjoyed Portugal very much and was happy to make new experience. I was also happy to meet all participants – it was a good community, I felt we could cooperate very well. Coming into contact during our visits and of course in the evenings was very inspiring. I hope our cooperation will be as fruitful as the meeting was. I uploaded some of the photos I took – and would be glad to…read more

Portugal welcomed the project partners

Posted by in Community, Meetings, Uncategorised

Our second project meeting took place in Vialonga near Lisbon. It was a meeting full of intensive work, interesting informations, engaged discussions and last but not least creative learning (in action!). The group grew together to a real community. We enjoyed staying together and being guests of our portuguese partners. Thank you very, very much to Madalena and her colleagues, who prepared the meeting and made sure that it became a wonderful experience of European friendship. Thank you :).