Creative Learning in Action

Pirates Adventure in the Heinrich-Böll-Schule

Posted by in Challenge, Topics

Today we send you some impressions of our Pirates Adventure Day in the Rocket Class. It is a group of autistic children in their first and second year in school. The idea of the day was that young pirate pupils need to pass some (of course very difficult and dangerous) exams to become real pirates. They need to help each other because otherwise they won’t be successful. And here are the challenges of the day and the winning team: A myterious letter in a bottle reached the class… Designing a…read more

Test Pilots from the Polar Bear Class

Posted by in Challenge, Uncategorised

  Hello to Everybody! Greetings from Heinrich-Böll-Schule. We already managed the biggest challenge of this winter in Germany: the influenza. That’s the reason for the long silence. But now (almost) everybody is healthy again and we are able to start our Erasmus-Challenges :). In our school we agreed, that our challenge should support the children to be part of a group and get fun by having success together. The first idea comes from Biancas class. These pupils are 9 to 11 years old and in the 4th grade. Challenge of…read more

Time for Planning, Planning for Time

Posted by in Time

Hello everyone, Here’s some of the information given out as part of our ‘Time’ theme and also some planning.  Another challenge we encountered was making our curriculum relevant for both older and younger children and also finding ways for them to work together. Hope you find it useful! Tracey Click the links below to download full documents. Letter home to parents Blyth class activities Blyth class termly curriculum guidance Blyth class planning Wallington class planning Cresswell class planning Time ideas for hall and interactive activities

Hello everyone!

Posted by in Time

Here in England we are three weeks into our work on ‘Time’. Classes have been paired (older children with younger children) to work together on different themes.  Our classes are all named after different places in Northumberland where our school, The Dales is, in the north of England. Our Creative Projects ‘What’s in the Box?’ and ‘Carnival’ both showed the positive outcomes of working together (along with the challenges!) Now the development of our Creative Curriculum is moving on, with 2 important changes: We have introduced a half- termly, whole…read more

3,2,1… Go!

Posted by in Community, Meetings

In November 2017 the Heinrich-Böll-Schule had invited the project partners to the first meeting of our new project “Creative Learning in Action”. After two very busy days with discussions, lots of ideas and brain work we developed a first plan how to work on the project. Besides the hard work we also had had a lot of fun, made new friends and maintained old friendships. You can read more about the meeting in the minutes. Our presentations you can find here.