Creative Learning in Action

Creative Learning for the staff

Posted by in Creative Curriculum, Topics

After developing some ideas in our School-Erasmus-group how to do creative planning activities we tried the adventure to do a creative planning meeting with the whole staff. This was inspired by the “big plan” of the Dales we heard about during our last meeting in Denmark. The theme of this meeting touched further work after the end of the current project. During this school year we gave ourselves new school rules. They are very basic but also comprehensive. We decided to do a project week with our pupils in September…read more

Creating Weather Boxes

Posted by in Topics, Weather

What kind of ‘weathers‘ are there? How do they look like? And: How can the weather be depicted in a box?These are the questions the Lion Class did wonder about in April. First, we thought about question number one in class. After that, every child painted a picture of some weather phenomenon they chose. There were rainbows, thunderstorms and wild waves at a beach. With this concept drawing, our next step was to design a box (an old shoe box). Every child could use all their creativity and a lot…read more

ErasmusPlus at the school festival

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We took the opportunity to introduce our Erasmus-Plus project to a major publicity at our school festival on 4th of May 2019. Representatives of the school authority and local politicians used the day to visit our school and get informed about our work. During this festival we organised an ErasmusPlus-presentation which was devided into three parts.In the corridor we presented the structure and the development of the whole project with photos and posters. We designed a room with pupils work of the last theme we have worked on: “Weather”. Parents,…read more

Weather, Weather, Weather

Posted by in Topics, Weather

And here we show the work on weather in the Elephant-class (2nd year): Rain gauge In order to study the weather and to be able to measure the precipitation of the weeks per day, we have built a rain gauge. For this we used old plastic bottles and set up in our school biotope. Weather massage Experience the weather as a massage – that is possible, too! We have worked out a movement with our hands for every weather condition. So we could massively massage the back of our front…read more

How is the weather?

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“How is the weather?”… This was the question Rocket class dealt with in Speech and Language and English classes. We learned weather terms in German and English and practised to pronounce them properly. We watched little films and listened to the voices of native speakers. We practised the dialog: “How is the weather…?” “It is…” with different games. We also practised looking at our dialog partners while speaking with them. Pupils chose a weather, painted it on the board and asked their classmates: “How is the weather?” We watched an…read more

Sounds and weather music

Posted by in Topics, Weather

Rocket class went on working on the topic weather. We experienced that there is very loud weather like storm, heavy rain or thunderstorm. On the other side there is also very silent weather like fog, silent rain or sun. We got to know a lot of music instruments, tried them out and chose an instrument and a way how to play it for each weather phenomenon. We played games with these sounds and finally we created sound stories and made music together. Then the pupils experienced that listening is an…read more

All around the weather in Dragon class

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We decorated our classroom fitting the topic “weather”. Every morning a different child set our weather clock. Our weatherman leads through the lessons. We got to know a lot about wind. We know the difference between a tornado and a hurricane and drew pictures about it. We had a lot of fun during the “tornado in a glass” experiment. We coloured and crafted pinwheels in arts class. It was fun to  try pout the pinwheels. We were allowed to take our pinwheels home. We listened to a book text about…read more

The weather is going crazy again

Posted by in Topics, Weather

Das Wetter, das Wetter spielt wieder mal verrückt! Man könnte verzweifeln, wenn man hinauf zum Himmel blickt. Wir hätten so gerne ein bisschen Sonnenschein! Wie kann man nur so launisch wie das Wetter sein! The weather, the weather is going crazy again! You could despair when you look up at the sky. We’d so like a little sunshine! How can you be as moody as the weather! The rocket class started working on the weather topic with a big  artwork and music project. We learned a weather song and practised…read more

Some time ago

Posted by in Creative Curriculum, Topics

It is already some time ago (December 2018), when the teachers of the Erasmus-group of our school met for their very first creative staff meeting. We took the good example of the Dales School and tried out if staff meetings like this could fit to our school, too. The topic was “Weather” but we it didn’t deal with lesson preparation but with fun and creativity all around the theme. Groups of 3 or 4 teachers got the task to create a performance of one aspect of weather. They should do…read more