Creative Learning in Action

A look into the Middle Ages

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In our project week we traveled to the time of the Middle Ages. Firstly, we located the Middle Ages on a timeline. The knights were fascinating us in particular since we learned something about their training and the everyday life of a knight. Moreover, we watched a short movie about the process of building a castle and also what living in a castle during this era meant. Afterwards we built a castle made out of cardboard. Finally, the project days ended with a tasty knight’s meal.

It’s my time

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For most people leisure is the most joyful time of their life because they are allowed to decide on themselves how to spend this time. But for autistic children leisure seems to be a very exhausting time because it demands abilities they often didn`t develop yet. The result is that many of our pupils spend their leisure time in school with always the same activity or just doing nothing. The project work in the Rocket Class on the theme “Time” is about improving the quality of leisure time for our…read more

Stone Age

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During our project week titeled „time“ we traveled back in time to stone age. Most pupils had a hard time imagining how long the stone age lasted in the history of human life. Using the visual tool of a long rope with special marks representing various stages through human history helped them to get a better idea. The children the learned about the various parts of the stone age. Together we created a poster for each of the three stone age periods. Showcased were the changes in human development, housing…read more

Challenge from Denmark

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Challenge 2018, Tarm School We will take the idea from the German School, about having a challenge in behavior and teambuilding. August 2018: The 5 teachers around each class was looking on the satisfaction survey on behaviour. The classes were very satisfied with the teachers. Also what they had learned last school year. But they wanted more silence in the classroom. We decided to put spot on the noise in the classroom. We wanted to have focus on silence in the classroom and teambuilding.   We made a mind map…read more

Who has come to school today?

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This is the challenge that the primary school class with shared education has been proposed to achieve. Our challenge is to know and recognize all the people, who are in the school and in which place they are located. The aim is, that both children and adults know each other and later record who has been coming to school. The first step is knowing all the classmates. Every morning, during the welcome morning, we greet each other by shaking our hands and saying: “Good morning” and the companion’s name.

Living and working in the first half of the 20th century

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In our project week on the topic of time we visited the home town in Ibbenbüren. There we could first see many things from the lives of the people of yesteryear: clothes, telephones, typewriters, books and much more. After that we were shown old agricultural machines. We also saw how wooden shoes were made in the old days. The most interesting thing was the day we made ropes together like in the old days. We were allowed to take the rope to school afterwards. We were able to experience how…read more

The Time of Coal Mining Is Ending

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During Janusz-Korczak-Schule’s project days around the time topic, also the eighth class did some interesting work. The pupils had a look at the history of coal mining in Ibbenbüren, our school town. Ibbenbüren is one of the last two places in Germany where hard coal has been mined. At the end of 2018 the mining of coal is ending in Germany and therefore in Ibbenbüren, too. The pupils created a presentation on Prezi in which history and presence of coal mining are shown. They also made a Powerpoint presentation about…read more

Dali’s Watches redesigned

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The class 6/7 from Janusz-Korczak-Schule also took part in the project days about “Time”. The pupils had a closer look at Salvador Dali’s picture “The Persistence of Memory” from 1931. Here you can read the Wikipedia article about this picture. The pupils designed some watches by themselves and integrated them into a handpainted tree. Look at the results in our gallery.

Come fly with us.

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Here are some examples of our team plans. As you can see, each of the classes had their own perspective and focus, for example Bamburgh chose airplanes and gliders while Amble chose superheroes (specifically Supertato!!). The plans are developed with each curriculum area in mind along with the social and emotional development of our children. We put our plans into action and are now gathering feedback about the theme – look out for the summary which is coming soon.   Bamburgh Autumn Term 2018 Medium plan Termly Guidance Amble